Test Preparation on IIT JEE Mains Mock Test-12





If the atom/group of lowest priority is at the
bottom, simply rotate the eye in the order
of descending order of priorities and find the
direction, if the arrangement of groups is
clockwise the configuration is (R) and if it
is in anticlockwise direction then the
configuration is (S).
In case of (4) the arrangement of groups (NH2(1),
CHO(2). CH3(3) is in anticlockwise direction so
its configuration is (S).
If the atom/group of lowest priority is at the top,
rotate the molecule by 180° in the plane of paper
so as bring the atom/group of the lowest priority is
at the bottom. Then find the direction of
arrangements of atoms/groups in the order of
descending priorities as shown below.

If the atom/group of lowest priority is at the lefthand
side of horizontal end, then without changing
the position of other atoms/groups at the top of
vertical end, change the position of other
atoms/groups in the anticlockwise or clockwise
direction so as to bring the atom/group of the
lowest priority at the bottom. Then find the
direction of arrangements of atoms/groups in the rder of descending priorities

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