IBPS SO Mains Agriculture Officer Mock Test-3 | Buy Now |
Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with -
Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with Principles and practice of crop production. Agronomy has come to encompass work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science.
The Black rust of disease of wheat is caused by?
The Black rust of the disease of wheat is caused by Pucciniagraminis.
Accordingly, from FY 2021-22 onwards, a higher
weight _________ would be assigned to the incremental
priority sector credit in the identified districts where the
credit flow is comparatively lower (per capita PSL less
than Rs.6000),
Accordingly, from FY 2021-22 onwards, a higher weight (125%) would be assigned to the incremental priority sector credit in the identified districts where the credit flow is comparatively lower (per capita PSL less than Rs.6000),
Which of the following conditions favor natural
Many species are pollinated through cross-pollination. The factors that favor cross pollination are unisexuality, dichogamy, self sterility, mechanical and structural barrier, and heterostyly. Unisexuality: In some plants, flowers are unisexual and bloom on different plants. In this case, cross-pollination is the only possibility. For example, palms and papaya. In some plants, the male and female flowers are different but bloom on the same plant. For example, cucumber. Dichogamy: In some plants, the maturation period of the androecium and gynoecium is different. There are plants in which the androecium matures earlier than the gynoecium.This condition is known as protandry. For example, sweet pea. In some plants, the gynoecium matures earlier than the androecium.This condition is called protogyny. For example, custard apple. Self sterility: There are certain plants in which even if the stigma receives pollen grains from the anthers of the same flower the pollen fail to fertilize the ovary. Only the pollen grains of the different plants of the same species are able to fertilize the ovary e.g., Orchid.
Domestic scheduled commercial banks having shortfall in lending to priority sector lending target shall be allocated amounts for contribution to:
The government of India created the RIDF in NABARD in 1995-96, with an initial corpus of Rs.2,000 crore. With the allocation of Rs.28,000 crore for 2018-19 under RIDF XXIV, the cumulative allocation has reached Rs.3,20,500 crore, including Rs. 18,500 crores under Bharat Nirman.
Foreign banks having a shortfall in lending to priority sector lending target will be required to contribute to:
SIDBI was made responsible for administering Small Industries Development Fund and National Equity Fund that was administered by IDBI before. SIDBI is the Primary Financial Institution for promoting, developing, and financing MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) sector.
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