Which one of the following is the correct indication of thestage/phase in the cell cycle
Condensation of chromosomes occurs in
(a) Condensation of chromosomes occurs in the prophase-I. After that chromosome moves toward the poles.
The role of meiosis
(b) The most important role of meiosis is to maintainhaploid phase.
Which stage connecting link between Meiosis I and Meiosis II
Spindle apparatus is formed during which stage of mitosis
(a) Colchicine is obtained from colchicum autumnale plant,which inhibits the formation of spindle fibers inmetaphase.
Diploid living organism develops from zygote by repeatedcell divisions is called
(d) Cyclin is a protein, which participates in cell division.
Synaptonemal complex is formed during
(a) Synaptonemal complex is formed during meioticprophase first.
Recombinant nodules are found during which of thefollowing
(b) Knot like structure ‘Chromomeres’ found in the stageleptotene of prophase first of meiosis.