Test Preparation on UGC NET English Literature Practice Set-1


Read the following passage carefully andanswer the following (Q.Nos. 1-5) questions :Bacon, a man of versatile genius andachievements, wrote varied type of prose which isphilosophical in The Advancement of Learning (1605),historical in the History of Henry VII (1622) andspeculative in New Atlantis (1626), which remainedincomplete due to his death.Bacon's character was full of contradictions.Macaulay said that he was the supreme example ofshinning intellect conjoined to and base moral nature.Bacon is the father of essay writing in Englishprose. He occupies a permanent place in prose due tohis Essays, ten in number which appeared in 1597.The second edition (1612) and the third edition (1625)raised the number of essays to 38 and 58 respectively.They are on familiar subjects and express, to quotehis own words, "the dispersed meditations" of atrained and disciplined mind. They contain utilitarianwisdom and are written in clear, lucid and aphoristicstyle. Bacon's essays are a record of his outlook onworld throughout the years of his active life. In hisessay Bacon, writes Rickett, emerges as "the pioneerof a clear, sententious English that suggests ratherthan expounds, and blends dignity with familiarity, inthat pleasant and attractive manner which is the secretof the power of all our great essayists." His imagesand figures of speech are simple and clearly illustratethe idea that he wishes to communicate. His essaysare argumentative and objective, not personal andsubjective. Name the critic who summed up Bacon'scharacter in the following Couplet -If parts allure thee, think how Bacon shined -The wisest, the brightest and meanest ofmankind

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