Test Preparation on IAS Prelims Sample Paper -22


India has extended three Lines of Credits to Bangladesh in the last 7 years amounting to US$ 8billion. Consider the following about a "Line of Credit (LoC)".1. A LoC does not involve any interest rates but has fixed dates of repayment.2. The entire amount offered by LoC must be borrowed and refunded at once within the stipulated time.Which of the above is/are correct?

Justification: This makes Bangladesh the largest recipient of LOG funds from India till date. A line of credit isbasically a flexible loan from a bank or financial institution to an individual or business. Not unlike how a creditcard offers you a limited amount of funds that you can use when, if, and how you wish, a line of credit is alimited/specified amount of money that an Individual can access as needed and then repay immediately orover a pre-specified period of time. It is effectively a source of funds that can readily be tapped at theborrower's discretipn. Interest is paid only on money actually withdrawn. (However, the borrower may berequired to pay an Unused line fee, often an annualized percentage fee on the money not withdrawn.) Lines ofcredit can be secured by collateral, or may be unsecured. As a loan, a line of credit will charge interest assoon as money is borrowed, and borrowers must be approved by the bank (and such approval is a byproductof the borrower's credit rating and/or relationship with the bank). A line of credit addresses the fact thatinstitutions are not very interested in underwriting one-time personal loans, particularly unsecured loans, formost clients. Likewise, it is not economical for a borrower to take out a loan every month or two, repay it, andthen continue the cycle. Lines of credit answer both of these issues by making a specified a|t1(^t of moneyavailable If and when the borrower needs it.
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