Test Preparation on IAS Prelims Sample Paper -13


PDV (Prithvi Defense Vehicle) mission is for engaging the targets in which of these.regions?

Learning: PDV (Prithvl Defense Vehicle) mission Is for engaging the targets in the exo-atmosphere region at analtitude above 50 kilometers (around 31 miles) of earth's atmosphere. Both, the PDV interceptor and the twostagetarget missile, were successfully engaged. The target mimicking an incoming ballistic missile waslaunched from an Indian warship In the Bay of Bengal located over 2,000 kilometers distant from the interceptorlaunch site on Abdul Kalam Island. No additional details of the test were disclosed. It is unclear at what exactaltitude the incoming target was intercepted, although some press reports claim that the ballistic missile wasdestroyed at 100 kilometers. The PDV was first tested in April 2014. The missile interceptor had a "near miss" atan altitude of 120 kilometers. Despite of that DRDO scientists at the time proclaimed the test a success. ThePDV Is slated to replace the existing Prithvl Air Defense (PAD)/Pradyumna Ballistic Missile Interceptor, whichhas a maximum interception altitude of 80 kilometers. Among other things, the new two-stage solid-fueled PDVinterceptor Is fitted with an Imaging infrared (IIR) seeker, developed by DRDO. to distinguish between incomingwarheads and decoys.
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