Test Preparation on IAS Prelims Sample Paper -1


How would the 'Voluntary Retention Route' (VRR) scheme introduced recently by the RBI helpIndian debt markets?1. It will illow Foreign Direct Investors to voluntarily request the Central Government and the RBIto permil foreign investments in Indian debt instruments hitherto closed for such investments.2. It w'ill encourage Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to undertake longterm investments in Indiandebt markets since they will be exempt from various regulatory provisions If they fulfil certainconditions.Which of the above Is/are correct?

Background: Foreign institutional investors (Flls) have been fleeing Indian markets this year, witha sharp selloff seen in the debt segment compared to the equity markets. In the year so far, Fllshave sold $9 billion In debt and $2 billion in Indian shares. There was an urgent need to preventthis capital flight, and thus the VRR was introduced.Justification: Statement 1; The scheme is only introduced for FPIs, not FDI, which is usually alonger term investment commitment.Statement 2: The Statement on Development and Regulatory Policies in the Monetary PolicyStatement dated October 05, 2018 had announced a separate scheme called 'Voluntary RetentionRoute' |VRR) to encourage Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to undertake longterm investmentsin Indian debt markets.According to the scheme, foreign portfolio investors will be exempt from regulatory provisions,but will have to voluntarily commit to retain In India a minimum requ ired percentage of theirinvestments for a period of their choice (minimum Is three years though). Participation throughthis route will be entirely voluntary. FPIs have also been given greater operational flexibility interms of instrument choices besides exemptions from certain regulatory requirements. Any entityregistered as a foreign portfolio investor with SEBI is eligible to participate through VRR.Learning: Investment under the VRR scheme shall be open for allotment from March 11, 2019.The details are as under: The aggregate investment limit shall be 0 40,000 crores for VRRGovt and0 35,000 crores for VRRCorp.?The minimum retention period shall be three years. During this period, FPIs shall maintain aminimum of 75% of the allocated amount in India.?Investment limits shall be available on tap for investments and shall be allotted by ClearingCorporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) on 'first come first served' basis.
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