Test Preparation on Gate Civil Geomatics Engineering paper -1
Which of the following scale is the largest?
The length of the equatorial axis and polar axis of the earth are respectively
The survey in which the earth’s curvature is considered is known as
The difference in length of an arc and the straight line on the earth’s mean surface is only 1 mm in a distance of
The sum of the interior angles of a geometrical figure laid on the surface differs from the corresponding plane figure to the extent on 1 second for about ______ square kilometer area.
In a diagonal scale only
Distance between two points P and Q as found from a shrunk map is 120 m but when measurement is made on the ground it is 125. If A is the area of an estate as found from the same map, the actual area is
If n number of divisions on vernier scales coincide with n + 1 divisions on the main scale, the vernier is known as-
If n divisions on vernier coincide with 2n – 1 divisions on the main scale, the vernier is known as
If two points are already fixed, with respect to them any number of points may be located by