You’ve Been Accepted to College! Now What?

Get More Information -  You already have a lot of information about each college, but digging a little deeper can help you make the best choice for you.

Ask questions -  Create a list of any questions you still have about the colleges you are considering.

Visit the campus -  If possible, check out a college's campus to get more information. If you can’t visit the campus, call or email the admission office with your questions.

Think things over -  You've done the research and asked questions. Now it's time to check your own thoughts and feelings.

Compare the colleges -  Use your new information to sort the colleges by what they offer and what you want.

Compare Financial Aid Awards -  This is an important step for many students. Talk to your family about which colleges work best financially.

Make Your Decision -  Remember that colleges are serious about reply deadlines. If you don’t send your deposit in time, you risk losing your place.

Respond to the Colleges -  Once you’ve decided which college you want to attend, inform all the colleges that accepted you about your decision.

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