Your College Application Submitted: What To Do Next? 

Review the Process -  Take a moment to reflect on your college application journey and what you have learned about yourself by completing this process.

Avoid Senioritis -  Some students may feel tempted to take a back seat on academics and extracurriculars after applications are in, but keeping your grades up is essential.

Stay in the Loop -  It is important for students to continue learning about each college on their list of best-fit schools so that applicants can make informed enrollment decisions after receiving all of their acceptance letters.

Disconnect -  After you hit submit, there is nothing else you can do except continue to perform well in class and make an impact on your activities.

Keep Tabs on Your Social Media Accounts -  It is important for students to maintain these social media best practices after hitting submit—you never know when or how a questionable picture or comment will come back to haunt you.

Registration for Online Application Portal -  When you receive this information, create an account and put your login information in a safe place.

Meeting supplemental application requirements -  Yes, while your application is complete and submitted to various colleges, there still may be more work for you to complete before your file will be considered ready for review.

Maintaining good grades - Another benefit of completing applications is that it allows you to solely focus on being a high school senior again. And that means keeping your grades up and staying involved in your extracurricular activities.

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