Why bother with college visits? -
As you visit more colleges and compare your experiences in each, you will have a clear understanding of which college is the right choice for you.
How To Prepare For College
Visits -
Planning a road trip to visit several colleges in one trip may be an efficient way for students to get a feel for each school they’re interested in.
Your College Tour Checklist -
Visiting a college campus for the first time can make for an exciting day on its own, but it’s important for students to make the most of their visit.
Upon arrival -
When you’re on your official college tour, don’t be afraid to be engaged and ask questions when appropriate.
Later in the day -
Explore the campus just like you would on the first day of school.
Once your visit is over -
There are many questions that need answers when it comes to narrowing down your college search, and a college visit is one of the best ways to get those answers.
Weigh Your Experiences -
Weigh your experiences during each college visit, plus everything a college has to offer to help you make your final choice.
Do your best to relax -
A good college tour will have moments of seriousness and fun, just like a real college experience. Do your best to relax, have a good time, and learn as much about each school as you can!
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