Why Mistakes Matter in Creating A Path For Learning 

We humans tend to make mistakes. It is what makes us human after all.   We learn from our mistake - famous Italian Proverb

Changing the way we see errors and the time it takes to learn can help us produce better learning outcomes.  It allows students to engage independently in the learning process. 

Change your Perception

Mistakes are the basis of application. They allow for experimentation. The goal of education, after all, is to have students solve problems independently.  

Allows Experimentation

Taking time to engage in mistakes actually allows students to move to a deeper level of understanding.

Deeper  Understanding

Every person will learn differently and perhaps focus on different parts of a topic.  If we see learning this way, allowing mistakes seems more logical.

Asymmetric learning  

Accept mistakes as part of the learning process.  Half the battle is realizing that errors can be used as learning tools.  

Errors as a Tool 

Take Scolding  easy 

We have got to learn to tame our egos and move on. As students, you should be curious and excited about discovering and experiencing new things.

Hypercorrection Effect 

Errors committed with a high level of confidence are more likely to be corrected than those errors committed with a lower level of confidence.

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