How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs?

Understand the Exam Pattern:  Familiarize yourself with the UPSC Civil Services Exam pattern and syllabus. The current affairs section primarily tests your knowledge of national and international events, government policies, and socio-economic issues. 

Read Newspapers:  Start by reading a good quality newspaper daily. The Hindu, Indian Express, or Livemint are popular choices. Focus on national and international news, editorials, and opinion pieces. 

Make Notes:  Maintain a separate notebook or digital file to jot down important news items and their key points. Categorize them based on subjects like polity, economy, environment, science and technology, etc. 

Monthly Compilations:  Many coaching institutes and websites provide monthly current affairs compilations. These compilations summarize important news events from various sources. 

Follow Reliable News Sources:   Apart from newspapers, follow reliable online news portals and magazines. Some popular sources include Press Information Bureau (PIB), Rajya Sabha TV, Lok Sabha TV, and websites like PRS India, Yojana Magazine, and Economic and Political Weekly. 

Analyze editorials and opinion pieces:  Editorial articles and op-eds provide in-depth analysis and diverse perspectives on current affairs. Make notes on these pieces to gain a broader understanding of the topic. 

Refer to Magazines:  Magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, and Economic and Political Weekly provide in-depth analysis of current issues. These magazines can help you gain a deeper understanding of various topics. 

Create a filing system:  Organize your notes by subject or topic, making it easy to review and revise later. Digital note-taking apps or physical folders can be useful for this purpose. 

Revise Regularly:  Consistent revision is essential for retaining the information. Set aside dedicated time each week to revise your current affairs notes. This will help you recall the information effectively during the exam. 

Practice answer writing:  Use your notes to practice answer writing for UPSC mains. This will help you inculcate the habit of structuring your thoughts and presenting them coherently. 

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