Why explore specialties early in med school?

Medical school is a launching path to a career as a physician. No decision a medical student makes will affect where that career ends up more than picking a medical specialty. 

Many first-year students mistakenly believe there’s no way to learn about specialties until they start clinical clerkships. 

Entering medical school is an educational choice, but choosing the type of medicine to practice is an occupational one. 

Selecting a specialty is different from making the decision to become a physician. Choosing your specialty is an important decision that requires reflection, research, and time. 

Your first year is an ideal time for self-exploration, which will prepare you for the specialty decision-making process. Identify your skills, interests, talents, and personality characteristics to learn more about how you might fit into a specialty. 

Additionally, knowing who you are and the circumstances under which you do your best work will help you adapt more quickly to the clinical environment during your clerkships. 

To make the best specialty decision, know as much as you can about yourself and your desires well before getting clinical experience and choosing a field of medicine. 

The first year is a great time to start considering specialties without the pressure to make a decision. Remember, you possess a unique set of talents, skills, and interests — start exploring them early to find your best possible specialty fit. 

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