Why and How Can MBA Be A Good Option Next 

Also Highlight Core Competencies –  An MBA degree can be a great opportunity to acquire a different level of skill set that can also highlight your core competencies.

Management Skills -  Engineering graduates already have technical skills with strong domain knowledge.

Leadership and Personality Development -  The vast and tedious engineering syllabus does not leave many opportunities for students to focus on personality development.

Demand for Specialisation -  The emergence of new disciplines, business opportunities, and greater technology integration has blurred the line between the traditionally segregated roles and positions.

Higher Remuneration -  While the pay package of an individual can depend upon many factors like education, experience, and achievements, it is no denying that an MBA degree gives you a head start.

Better Career Prospects -  While there is no shortage of employment opportunities for engineers, engineers can often find their job roles limited to their domain.

Entrepreneurial Aspirations - For some people, a job is not enough regardless of the pay package. They want to be their own boss and dare to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship.

Networking -  Reputed MBA schools regularly organize seminars, discussions, and field trips for students to interact with industry veterans.

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