Where To Find The  Best History Ph.D. Programs? 

Johns Hopkins University:  The Department of History at Johns Hopkins University is known for its rigorous program and faculty expertise in areas such as American, European, and global history.

Ivy League Universities:   Ivy League institutions are well-known for their rigorous academic programs, including history.

Australian National University (ANU): ANU's School of History is widely recognized for its research excellence, particularly in the fields of Asian, Pacific, and Indigenous history.

University of Chicago:  The Department of History at the University of Chicago is known for its rigorous intellectual environment and strong emphasis on research. 

Princeton University: Princeton's Department of History offers a renowned Ph.D. program with a focus on global history and interdisciplinary collaboration.

University of California, Los  Angeles (UCLA): UCLA's Department of History is highly regarded, with a diverse faculty and a wide range of research areas.

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS):  Located in Paris, France, EHESS is a prestigious institution for the social sciences, including history. 

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE): LSE's Department of International History is well-known for its Ph.D.

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