Multiple Blue Rings

What's student life like in the USA?

Accommodation and campus life 

Most American universities operate a “campus” policy – where student accommodation, teaching, research laboratories, shops and sports facilities are all located on-site.

Safety and socialising 

All American universities publish campus crime statistics, so If you’re worried about any element of safety – just ask. Your admissions team will be more than happy to put your mind at ease. 


Now, America does live up to the stereotypes in some respects. When eating out, portions are large, but they’re certainly delicious! US colleges pride themselves on their food.


No matter what level of education you are planning on completing in the USA, the initial overwhelming feeling may be the same. The geography and climate vary widely in America. The kind of clothing and weather varies according to the location you are in.


The culture in America is very diverse, and you may run into more non-Americans than Americans. Observe the people around you, and act in accordance to that. You will find all types of people at your university, and it is best to adjust yourself to fit in with everybody else.


It is important to be direct while communicating. You should not be too hesitant or unsure while requesting or asking for anything, as confidence plays a major role in your body language and communication.

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