What You Can Do This Summer To Explore Careers 

Learn new skills -  Learning new things and developing professional skills can give you an edge over other candidates. While many of the skills you'll need are built into your courses. 

Sharpen your professional toolkit -  Summer is a great time to work on application materials and prepare in advance for your internship or job search. 

Gain professional experience -  There are learning opportunities over the summer that can help you gain professional experience for your resume and online profiles.  

Volunteer -  One of the best ways to learn about yourself, develop skills, and give back to others is through volunteering. Whatever you do, you’ll gain experience that can add depth to your resume and online profiles. 

Connect with others -  Use time over the summer to build your professional network. Start by thinking about the connections you may already have. 

Study for grad school tests -  If you’re planning to attend graduate school, use your downtime this summer to start studying for exams. 

Pursue a passion project -  Take an innovation mindset to your summer and pursue something you’re passionate about. Maybe you have an idea for a product that could improve our lives. 

Take care of yourself -  Find balance by getting seven to nine hours of sleep, eating regular meals, finding time for physical activity, and staying in touch with friends and family. 

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