What to Study the Week Before the SAT

Do a few practice SAT questions each day this week -  Download real SAT practice questions for both test sections or a full-length practice SAT. Don’t try to work through hundreds of questions at a time.

Exercise at least 30 minutes a  day -  Exercising during the week can give you an advantage come Saturday’s test. Exercise will help you Blow off stress, Maintain your focus, Sleep better.

Eat an extra helping of veggies or fruits at each meal this week -  Add in any favorite fruits or veggies at a steady, moderate pace throughout the week and you’ll be in good shape for the test.

Go to bed earlier than usual this week -  Try to adjust your bedtime to a slightly earlier time this whole week so that you won’t have trouble the night before the exam.

On Friday, collect all of the items you’ll need in one place -  The last thing you need the morning of your exam is to be running behind schedule because your printer has run out of ink and you can’t print your admission ticket.

Wake up 30 minutes early on test day -  Wake up early to ensure that you have plenty of time to eat breakfast and get to your test site - rather than using up energy worrying about whether or not you’re going to be on time.

Eat a good breakfast the morning of the test -  Be sure to avoid breakfasts with too much fat or lots of refined sugar. The former will make you feel groggy; the latter will pep you up initially but cause you to crash mid-exam.

Breathe! You’ve got this! -  If you did a great job preparing, trust what you’ve learned. Test-taking techniques are not training wheels, they are the wheels. You won’t go anywhere if you don’t use them!

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