What to do one day before the CA Inter exam

Do and Dont’s of Preparing for the CA final Exam

In our former blogs, we have discussed the CA FINAL EXAMINATIONS. But now another question that makes the students the most curious is, ‘how to clear the exams in one attempt’? The answer to this question is simple.

Join proper coaching

Experienced CAs are the best teachers to go to for proper and effective coaching. Teachers play a grander role in the 360 development of the student. By joining coaching institutes, they benefit from the cycle of study-revise-repeat.

Make notes 

Making notes is one of the most effective methods to recognize your strong or weak points as well as for revision. During the final month, it is inevitable for the students to go through the entire syllabus.

Keep the last month for revision 

Students often leave a few chapters to study at the last moment, but this can be an adverse decision for their preparation. They should always complete the syllabus at least one month before, so they have enough time to revise and solve mock tests and practice questions.

Make a proper timetable 

A timetable not only helps the student to be sure of his day-to-day activities but also inculcates values such as discipline, punctuality, hard work and most importantly helps with time management.

Avoid stressing yourself a lot 

Students often take a lot of tension during the exam period and become anxious which can affect their studies poorly. They end up being way more tense than usual. They spend sleepless nights, become more worried about studying, etc.

Solve mock tests and previous year papers 

solving mock tests provided by ICAI itself is a golden task for the students. At all costs, they should practice the mock tests and evaluate their current performance level.

Study every day

Set goals and finish them on the decided day. Procrastination is not just a term but a bad habit which when enters the mind does not leave easily.The students should hence focus on completing the task they’ve assigned themselves the same day and also plan for the following day.

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