Be completely aware of all the topics in your syllabus and fix down on the summarised notes and list of questions you would like to revise in the 1.5 days.
For Accounting, ensure you have the base formats and a log of questions together in one place so that you can revise them quickly.
For Business Law & Correspondence, you should have your summary notes and grammar rules handy.
For Business Mathematics & Economics, solve the MCQs well in advance and prepare a repository of MCQs to be revised before the exam day.
Accounting, steps form an integral part of your accounts’ answers and ensure that you add a working note wherever necessary to make your answer detailed and comprehensive.
In Business Law, quote section numbers, explain the provisions, correlate the question with the provision and then give a conclusion. In case of lengthy answers, try to break down the various points into bullets.
Refer to past papers and the last 3 RTPs, MTPs to get an idea about expected questions and the recommended formats to answer the same.