What Not To Do to Get a Good Letter of Recommendation 

Understanding some actions to avoid when asking for a letter of recommendation can help you show professionalism while making these requests. 

Use a reference without their permission -  Before using someone as a reference on an application, make sure you ask them first. 

Get upset if someone says no -  If someone declines your request to write you a letter of recommendation, politely thank them for their time and consideration. 

Be vague about details -  When you ask someone for a recommendation, be clear about the details of the letter to make sure they meet the necessary requirements for the application. 

Provide false information -  Make sure you only share information with your references that's true and accurate. 

Write a letter for them -  While it's helpful to tell your references what you'd like them to include or highlight in their letters, refrain from telling them exactly what to write. 

Hesitate to ask for more letters -  Consider asking for more letters of recommendation than required for the application. 

Forget to say thank you -  Once you've submitted your application, make sure to thank everyone who wrote you a letter. 

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