Green Flower
Yellow Flower

What makes the CA different from other professions Course?

The very fact that lakhs of students write CA papers across the country every year, is proof enough that it is the most wanted profession in India.

However, the fact that out of those lakhs, only a handful are able to crack the exam, makes this profession all the more promising! It makes the profession competitive, growth-oriented, and well obviously, highly payable. 

Their job ranges from auditing, financial planning, tax planning, wealth management, strategizing taxes, and more. Whether it’s a small business, a single individual, or a multi-million company! Everyone needs a CA! With the increasing vibe of going to Atmanirbhar, we will only need more and more CAs.  

With GST updates, every taxpayer needs proper guidance. Lakhs of business came under the umbrella of the GST regime, giving rise to the need of creating many more Chartered Accountants. After completing CA, help in making more CAs by becoming a CA faculty in India. 

Not only does a CA work on auditing and taxation, but also plays an active agency in providing financial consultations and costing management to a business. 

You can graduate from any college and will still have a degree in the same course, but with CA? No! There is only one regulatory body which is, ICAI which conducts the Chartered Accountancy which conducts exam, making the course more repetitive. 

Studying CA is the lowest investment as per the monetary comparison. You just have to invest wisely in dedicated CA coaching classes like AJNEXT, for guiding you through the preparation. 

These exams can also be written while you work, so double the benefits! This is more relevant for those who are writing their last exam. Work along with studying from an online CA final coaching in Mumbai and make the best of both worlds! 

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