What is Executive Functioning?

Differences in brain development -   Researchers have looked at executive function in the brain. They’ve found that certain areas of the brain develop more slowly in people who struggle with executive skills.  

Genes and heredity -   People who have trouble with executive function often have family members who do, too. Also, trouble with executive function often occurs with learning challenges. 

Organizing, prioritizing, and initiating tasks: - People with deficits in this area of executive functioning have difficulty getting materials organized, distinguishing between relevant and non-relevant information, anticipating and planning for future events 

Focusing, maintaining, and shifting attention: -  People who are easily distracted miss important information. They are distracted not only by things around them but also by their own thoughts.  

Managing frustrations and regulating emotions:  People with impairments in this area of executive functioning may have a very low tolerance for frustration, such as when they don’t how to do a task. They can also be extremely sensitive to criticism.  

Using working memory and accessing recall: -  Working memory helps an individual hold information long enough to use it in the short term, focus on a task, and remember what to do next. If people have impairments in working memory, they may have trouble remembering and following directions, memorizing and recalling facts 

Monitoring and self-regulating action:  When people have deficits in the ability to regulate their behavior, it can significantly impede social relationships.7 If people have difficulty inhibiting behavior, they may react impulsively without thought to the context of the situation 

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