What Graphic Design Jobs Can You Get? 

Art Director -  Art directors are responsible for overseeing the visual style and creative aspects of projects. 

Graphic Designer -  As a graphic designer, you'll create visual concepts using computer software or by hand. 

UI/UX Designer -  User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) designers focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for websites. 

Web Designer -  Web designer specialize in creating visually appealing and functional website. 

Brand Identity Designer -  Brand identity designers develop visual elements such as logos, color palettes, typography, and brand guidelines that represent a company or product's identity. 

Packaging Designer -  Packaging designers create attractive and functional packaging for products. 

Motion Graphics Designer -  Motion graphics designers combine graphic design with animation techniques to create visually dynamic and engaging videos, animations, and multimedia content. 

Publication Designer -  Publication designers work on designing layouts and graphics for books, magazines, newspapers, and other publications. 

Advertising Designer -  Advertising designers create visual elements for advertisements across various media channels. 

Freelance Designer -  Many graphic designers work as freelancers, taking on projects independently. 

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