Use These Tricks to Memorize Trigonometry Formulas  

Before knowing tricks it is important to brush up the concepts of trigonometry and revise various trigonometric formulas and identities.

There are various mnemonics that help in memorizing trigonometric ratios. We will discuss about few of them.

Pandit Badri Prasad Har Har Bole

P from Prasad is for Perpendicular and B from Bole is for Base, resulting in tan θ = Perpendicular/Base. Interesting, is it not?

Some People Have Curly Brown Hair Turned Permanently Black

Some People Have: Sin θ = Perpendicular/Hypotenuse Curly Brown Hair: Cos θ = Base/Hypotenuse Turned Permanently Black: Tan θ = Perpendicular/Base

 Sine = Opposite ÷ Hypotenuse. Cosine = Adjacent ÷ Hypotenuse. Tangent = Opposite ÷ Adjacent can be remembered as strings of letters "SOH-CAH-TOA" in English:

How do you memorize trigonometry formulas?

Draw three triangles pointing down, touching at a single point. This resembles a fallout shelter trefoil. Write a 1 in the middle where the three triangles touch

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