12 Best web development courses You Must Do 

A comprehensive course covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and more. 

The Web Developer Bootcamp (by Colt Steele) -  


The Complete Guide (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller) - An in-depth JavaScript course covering modern ES6+ features and advanced concepts. 

FreeCodeCamp -  

An online platform offering a full web development curriculum, including front-end, back-end, and data visualization. 

The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 (by Rob Percival) - 

 A beginner-friendly course covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web development tools. 

React -  

The Complete Guide (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller) - An extensive course on building web applications with React.js. 

Angular -  

The Complete Guide (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller) - A comprehensive course for learning Angular and building scalable web applications. 

Node.js -  

The Complete Guide (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller) - A detailed course on Node.js, covering server-side development. 

Django for Beginners (by William S. Vincent) - 

 A beginner-friendly course focusing on Python-based web development using Django. 

The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course (by Rob Percival and Mashrur Hossain) -  

A course covering the Ruby on Rails framework for building web applications. 

Vue.js -  

The Complete Guide (by Maximilian Schwarzmüller) - A comprehensive course for learning Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework. 

Advanced CSS and Sass (by Jonas Schmedtmann) - 

 A course that dives deep into advanced CSS and preprocessors like Sass. 

The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course (by Joseph Delgadillo) - 

 A course that covers front-end and back-end web development using JavaScript. 

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