Tricks to Attempt Logical Reasoning for IPMAT 2023 

Know what type of logical test you're taking   When you are asked to complete a logical reasoning test as part of your application, you need to know what type of test it will be. You can find out from the recruiter prior to the test which of the tests mentioned above they use. This will help you to focus your practice. 

Use elimination techniques  When speed is of the essence, you need to work in an efficient manner. You can answer as many questions as necessary. One technique is to quickly eliminate answers that cannot be correct. To do this, take a quick look at the series of patterns in front of you and then look at the possible answers.  

Establish the pattern  Whether you are looking at an argument, scenario, or a series of pictures, establishing the rules and working out what the pattern is should be the first step after using the elimination technique above. There may be more than one pattern or rule; in this case, methodically check them one at a time. 

Beware of distractions  Not all information given in a logical reasoning question may be relevant. These 'distractions' can reveal flaws in your reasoning, when you're studying the information given you assess what's relevant - then ignore what's not. 

Make logic practice an everyday activity  There are practical (and fun) ways to improve your logical thinking. Completing puzzles like sudoku or crosswords is an interesting way to engage your logical mind and practice your reasoning skills.

Find out the test publisher  Certain test publishers have logical reasoning tests in their assessment packages, like SHL, Aon, and Talent Q. Identifying the publisher for the test you’ll take can help you prepare by practicing tests that have the right format and layout. 

Follow the instructions   Whichever test provider has published the assessment, there will be clear instructions provided on how to complete the questions, including the right way to answer. Take time to read all the guidelines carefully, and make the most of any practice questions provided too.

Create a Process   You'll discover the best way to work through the questions quickly: this is your 'game plan'. For example, your process might be to read information or study an image, then visualize the correct answer before checking whether it is among the multiple-choice answers. 

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