10 Ways To Qualify CSIR-NET & GATE

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Observation – You need to develop keen observation skills whenever we study a new concept or an old concept. Look at questions and observe the goals of why this kind of question was asked and what other kinds of questions can be asked. Observe and Observe.

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Planning – Many times you will feel planning is such a waste of time, you sit in the morning thinking about what you have to do today in an hourly manner, trust me in my student life even I felt the same. But when I started planning, I realized that I was in better control of my day and my career.  

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Stamina Matters – Now it’s not the most brilliant minds who know How to Qualify CSIR NET but the ones who have developed physical and mental stamina. If you wish to develop the same then exercise regularly and do meditation to keep your mind focussed and fit. 

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Do not procrastinate – Delaying your actions are your biggest enemy and bring bad luck, You ask how? Let me answer that. During your exam preparation days if you keep delaying studying the tough topics or solving previous year’s question papers then you will fail to develop a topper mindset.  

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Take Advantage of Opportunities – As a student, you are not supposed to be in a dilemma of cost versus benefits, that’s the job of parents. Your job is to look at the rewards of Success. So never fall into a dilemma situation or catch 22 situations where you keep wondering whether you should take admission in coaching just because it costs you or whether you should buy that book or tool which simplifies your exam preparation. 

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Surround yourself with the Right mentors – No one can become Sachin Tendulkar of their field without the Right coach, Right Mentor. So it’s very important for you to surround yourself with the right set of experienced mentors who are 24X7 available to support your exam preparation, they will be able to highlight your mistakes and rectify them during practice sessions itself

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Learn from Other people’s Mistakes – Now there is a famous saying Why commit a mistake and then learn from it, instead we can learn from other people’s mistakes. The easiest way to do that is joining coaching and surrounding yourself with like-minded people, like-minded students 

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Tools & Technology – Whenever I see technologies like Study Tools & tech-based on Artificial intelligence and its deployment in student life, I feel these are the little secrets that no one tells you and you must know how to implement technology in your Student life to study better, retain longer and recall faster.  

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Quick Decision Making – Luck favours only those who are capable of making instant decisions in life and especially when it comes to competitive exams. If you wish to be successful in CSIR NET, GATE, or any competitive exam then you must practice decision making during your mock practice sessions and decide which questions to attempt and which ones to skip.  

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