Top Ways To Deal With Cultural Shock When Studying Abroad 

Realize that adjusting takes time -  Be patient with yourself and understand that it is a process. Set goals for yourself. 

Focus on the positive -  You might find it easy to focus on what is “missing,” like familiar foods and customs from back home. 

Understand your academic expectations -  Not only are you adjusting to a new country, but you are also learning how to handle a different academic system. 

Accept that you will be homesick -  Push yourself to start conversations with people. Celebrate your home by talking about your culture and take the time to learn about their culture, too. 

Do not compare yourself to others -  Try not to compare yourself to others when learning how to deal with culture shock. 

Get to know a variety of students -  Bonding with other international students can be easy since they share your perspective but befriend American students, too. 

Find ways to relieve stress -  Adjusting to culture shock at university can be stressful. Exercising can help you burn off nervous energy while exploring your new home. 

Keep an open mind -  If a fellow student or professor acts differently than you would expect, consider how their background and culture influence their behavior. 

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