Top tips for planning the perfect college visits 

Go Wide -  Visit many types of schools like urban, rural, small, medium, huge, liberal arts, collegiate, private, public, near home and far away, your dream school and one currently not on your list at all.

Live Like a Student for a Day -  Before you go, reach out to the admissions office and ask if they have a shadowing program in which you can shadow a real student for the day.

Attend a Class You’re Curious About -  Look at the course catalog and see what professors and courses pique your interest and ask if you can sit in on one of them.

The Official Tour -  If none of the above are available, every school has official campus tours led by current students where you visit dorms, dining halls, and libraries.

Video Tours -  If you can’t make it to a school you are keen on, many posts a virtual tour to their website in which a video walks you around the campus and displays information about different facilities and amenities.

Check out other campuses  nearby -  When visiting a college in person, prospective students should consider visiting other campuses nearby.

Learn about the local community -  While the college is the main attraction, students shouldn't overlook the surrounding community where they may live and work when off campus.

Debrief the Visit -  Write in your journal about what resonated and what didn't. College is 100% about you, so do not hide your preferences from yourself.

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