Top 10 Tips for Choosing a Good School for Your Child  

 Take Some Time To Self-Reflect  Starting college knowing your potential interests can help you to make an initial list of possible majors. if you know you enjoy writing, you could look at majors like professional writing, 

Search Online  When it comes to choosing a college major or career path, the internet has an abundance of resources that anyone can use. Many colleges and websites offer free “what should my major be” quizzes which analyze your answers.

Explore your options  To see which degree program sounds most interesting to you, start looking at class offerings in those programs. GCU's website helps people looking for a college major compare four different programs from any of the seven undergraduate colleges at GCU. 

Take advantage of every opportunity  you are taking advantage of your school's resources to find out which programs are the best fit for you and your interests. For example, look for clubs on campus that speak to your personal values. 

Network  talk to people who have or had careers in a field that interests you. You can find professionals on campus or nearby in your everyday life. If you're already in college, be sure to talk with your professors and college advisors. 

Get Help from an Advisor or Faculty in the Major  Once you start leaning toward a particular field or major, it’s time to start getting more specific advice. Reach out to the advisor or a faculty member who works in that major or the over-arching field that supports it. 

Take into classes exploring the major  The next step is to take classes to explore the major and see if it fits. Many intro classes can introduce you to the overarching ideas of a major field, and then you can decide whether it fits your goals. 

Consider Future Careers and Earning Potential  Most majors have career path opportunities attached, but this is definitely something to explore. You need to spend your time, energy, and money pursuing an education that will translate into a paying job in the future.

Talk to Others About Their Majors Discuss major choices with others you know who are in college or recently finished college. Ask them what they do or do not like about their major, how they chose, .

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