Top 10 Ted Talks Every Engineer Needs to Watch

Thomas Suarez: A 12-Year-Old App Developer 

 you were too young, too old, or too inexperienced to start programming, then let this 4-minute TEDx Talk change your mind. With a bit of drive and cleverness, Thomas Suarez learned how to make several apps by 12 years of age.

Tim Urban: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator  

 As a programmer, you're going to want to procrastinate. A LOT. This 14-minute TED Talk is given by someone who struggled with this to the worst degree and still managed to overcome it.

Ken Robinson 

 Do schools kill creativity - you'll never come up with anything original." Programming isn't mentioned once in this 20-minute TED talk, everything discussed is of vital importance to programmers It's easy to forget that programming is highly creative, and you can't be successful without creativity.

Kathryn Schulz: On Being Wrong

This 17-minute TED Talk dives a bit deeper into what Ken Robinson says above, but tackles it from a different angle. We're raised to seek success and eschew failure, but true success can only come from being unafraid to try and fail.

Elon Musk: The Future We're Building

This 40-minute TED Talk doesn't follow the usual format. Instead of a presentation, it's conducted as an interview -- and all the better for it. This peek into the mind and motivations that drive the greatest innovator of our time will show you that programming isn't just about code.

Linus Torvalds: The Mind Behind Linux

 Here's another TED Talk on programming that isn't really a TED Talk and instead presents a dialogue with Linus Torvalds, the notorious man behind the Linux operating system. 

Danielle Feinberg: The Magic Ingredient That Brings Pixar Movies to Life 

 This 12-minute TED Talk is a wonderful and insightful example of how science and art can come together to produce something that's greater than the sum of its parts -- and how things can fall apart if you neglect either one.

Kevin Slavin: How Algorithms Shape Our World 

 In this 15-minute TED Talk on programming, Slavin essentially makes a case for why programming is so critical to the modern age, warning that modern algorithms are written too recklessly and without enough thought to the implications.

"The Future of Flying Robots" by Vijay Kumar: 

 Kumar discusses the advancements in robotics technology that could enable the creation of a fleet of autonomous flying robots, revolutionizing fields like agriculture, transportation, and emergency response.

"The Power of Vulnerability" by Brené Brown:  

While not specifically focused on engineering, Brown's talk about the importance of vulnerability, courage, and authenticity in human interactions can help engineers improve their communication skills and connect with their teams more effectively.

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