Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Top 10 Least Popular Majors In The World 

The study of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, including their languages, literature, history, and culture, is a niche field that attracts a smaller number of students compared to more contemporary subjects. 


While language is an essential aspect of communication, the study of linguistics, which delves into the scientific analysis of language structure and its evolution, tends to have a smaller following. 


Exploring traditional stories, legends, and myths from different cultures may captivate a specific group of students, but it remains a less popular major compared to other fields of study. 

Folklore and Mythology 

Philosophy investigates fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and reasoning, it often attracts fewer students due to its abstract and theoretical nature. 


The study of religious traditions, scripture, and religious philosophy is a specialized field that attracts a smaller number of students, primarily those pursuing careers in religious leadership or academia. 


Focusing on the cultivation, management, and study of plants, horticulture is a less popular major compared to other branches of agriculture and biology. 


The study of artistic movements, styles, and individual artists from various periods in history may appeal to a specific group of students. 

Art History 

Examining the role of leisure and recreation in society, this major explores topics like sports management, event planning, and tourism, but it tends to attract fewer students compared to more mainstream majors. 

Leisure Studies 

The study of insects and their behavior, ecology, and classification attracts a smaller number of students due to its specialized focus within the broader field of biology. 


Focusing on the study of ancient life through the examination of fossils, paleontology is a niche field that appeals to a specific group of students interested in prehistoric organisms and Earth's history. 


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