Top 10 High Paying Jobs In Energy Sector 

Architectural Manager -  Out of all the top-paid energy occupations, this one is recognized as being the second best. 


Petroleum Engineer -  Petroleum remains a major source of income for every country today. A petroleum engineer usually works on sites such as oil reservoirs or gas fields. 


Chemical Engineer -  With a median annual salary of $97,360, chemical engineering is one of the highest-paying energy careers. 


Environmental Scientist -  Environmental scientists play an important role in the energy industry. In some circumstances, they help firms reduce their environmental effect while exploiting resources. 


Geoscientists -  Geoscientists, who specialize in the physical features of the Earth, play another scientific position that can be extremely important for the energy sector. 

Nuclear Technician -  Nuclear technicians are trained to work in energy production; they monitor radiation levels to maintain a safe environment. 


Materials Scientist -  With an average annual salary of $93,360, materials engineers are among the highest-paid occupations in the energy sector. 


Civil Engineer -  In the energy industry, civil engineers hold a variety of responsibilities in the fields of construction, design, and research. 


Solar Photovoltaic Installer -  A solar photovoltaic installer can be your best option if you're seeking excellent entry-level energy jobs and are willing to put in some serious work. 


Wind Farm Site Manager -  As the manager or engineer of a wind farm, you are in charge of managing the site's wind energy collection. 


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