Top 10 Entry-Level Software Engineer Jobs In India 

Software Developer/Engineer   Involved in designing, coding, testing, and debugging software applications or systems. May work on front-end, back-end, or full-stack development.

Web Developer  Focuses on building and maintaining websites, web applications, and user interfaces using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Mobile App Developer  Develops applications for mobile devices (iOS, Android, etc.) using programming languages such as Swift, Kotlin, Java, or React Native.

Quality Assurance Engineer   Ensures the quality of software by designing and executing testing processes, identifying and reporting bugs, and collaborating with developers to improve software quality.

Database Developer   Specializes in designing and maintaining databases, creating efficient data structures, and optimizing database performance.

Junior Data Analyst  Collects, processes, and analyzes data to provide insights that drive decision-making. May work with data visualization tools and basic data analysis techniques.

UI/UX Designer  Focuses on user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for applications and websites.

DevOps Engineer -   Works at the intersection of development and operations, automating deployment processes, managing infrastructure, and ensuring smooth development workflows.

Embedded Systems Engineer   Develops software for embedded systems used in devices like IoT devices, consumer electronics, automotive systems, and more.

Automation Engineer  Designs and develops automated testing and deployment scripts to streamline software development and improve efficiency.

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