Top 7 Countries Rich in Natural Resources

Saudi Arabia:  Known for its vast oil reserves, Saudi Arabia is a major player in the global energy market. The country possesses about 16% of the world's proven oil reserves, making it one of the leading exporters of oil. 

Russia:  Russia is rich in a diverse range of natural resources, including oil, natural gas, coal, timber, and minerals. It is the world's top exporter of natural gas and holds significant reserves of various metals. 

Canada:  Canada is abundant in natural resources such as timber, minerals (including uranium and gold), and energy resources. It has extensive forests, and it is one of the world's largest producers of hydroelectric power. 

Australia:  Known for its vast mineral wealth, Australia is a leading producer of iron ore, coal, gold, and other minerals. It also has significant reserves of natural gas and uranium. 

Brazil:  Brazil is rich in natural resources, including extensive rainforests, fertile land for agriculture, and substantial mineral resources. The country is a major exporter of iron ore, soybeans, and beef. 

United States:  The United States has diverse natural resources, including coal, natural gas, oil, timber, and a variety of minerals. It is a leading producer of natural gas and oil. 

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC):  The DRC is well endowed with an abundance of mineral resources, including cobalt, copper, diamonds, and gold.  

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