Top 9 Bachelor's Degrees You Can Study Abroad in 2023

International Business: 

 Pursuing a degree in international business abroad can give you firsthand experience in global markets and the opportunity to study business practices in different countries.  

Environmental Science:  

Many countries offer excellent programs in environmental science, allowing you to explore diverse ecosystems and engage in research and conservation efforts. 

Art and Design: 

 Studying art and design abroad can expose you to different artistic traditions and techniques. Cities like Paris, London, Florence, and Tokyo are renowned for their art schools and cultural scenes.

Hospitality and Tourism Management 

If you're interested in a career in the hospitality and tourism industry, studying abroad in destinations like Switzerland, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, or the United States can provide you with valuable hands-on experience and exposure to international tourism markets.

Computer Science:  

Technology and computer science programs are highly sought after globally. Countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany have leading universities known for their computer science programs and research opportunities.


Studying psychology abroad can give you insights into different cultural perspectives on mental health and behavior. Countries like the Netherlands, Australia, the United States, and Canada are known for their strong psychology programs.


 Pursuing an engineering degree abroad can offer you access to advanced facilities, research opportunities, and exposure to diverse engineering practices.  

International Relations 

If you're interested in politics, diplomacy, or global affairs, studying international relations abroad can provide you with a firsthand understanding of different countries' policies and cultures. Locations like the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and China are known for their strong international relations programs.


Some countries offer excellent medical programs for international students, providing high-quality education and clinical experiences. Popular destinations for studying medicine include the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

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