Top new species discoveries In 2022 

The magical fairy wrasse -  This rainbow-colored fish is called Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa, or Rose-Veiled Fairy Wrasse, and it was found in the Maldives’ reefs. 

The Taylor Swift millipede -  Scientists Derek Hennen, Jackson Means, and Paul Marek, at Virginia Tech, U.S., described the new species in April, naming it after singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. 

The Greta Thunberg frog -  The undisclosed auction winner wanted to name the frog in honor of Thunberg and her work in highlighting the urgency of preventing climate change. 

The chocolate frog -  Instantly gaining popularity as Chocolate Frog, Synapturanus data is a curious little frog that was recently discovered in the Peruvian Amazon. 

The fabulous flaming-red snake -  This magnificent non-venomous snake, previously unknown to science, was discovered in Paraguay. 

The small long-head darter fish -  In early January 2022, the Ohio Division of Wildlife (OWD) shared a Facebook post, finally revealing that fish management crews had discovered a small long-head darter fish this past fall.

The Blanket octopus -  In January 2022, marine biologist Jacinta Shackleton was delighted to experience a rare sighting of a seriously beautiful sea creature called the blanket octopus off the coast of the Great Barrier Reef. 

The ivory-billed woodpecker -  In April, researchers exploring the swamps of Louisiana suddenly observed the tin trumpet call that ivory-billed woodpeckers are known for — followed by an actual sighting of the bird, for several seconds.

The kentriodontid dolphin and squalodelphinid dolphin -  Researchers from the University of Zurich in Switzerland recently identified “two families of dolphins previously unknown in Switzerland.” 

The giant water lily -  In July, researchers at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in England announced that they had discovered a third species of the Victoria genus of water lily, and named it the Victoria boliviana. 

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