Top 10 Medical Study Techniques for Memorization and Retention

Image name Memorization technique This is creating a relationship between a name and the physical characteristics of a person or a thing. For instance, you can attach an idea to maybe your pet or something very close to you.  

Teach someone else When you tutor someone else, it makes the concept sink deeper into you. It also makes you know what you are good at, and where to put more effort. 

Motion memorization. Motion allows the parts of your brains that are idle during resting study to activate. Using your hands to explain and review enables you to recall things much easier.

Having a Study Plan   Successful students have a clear plan for their studies and with a clear road map, they don't get confused and feel bored. 

Making connection This is another memorization technique that can be very helpful. Make connections by tying your material to something else, for instance, you can turn names into images. This helps you anchor your information to a physical feature of what you want to remember. 

Repeated recitation Read the material you want to memorize, then keep reciting it to yourself until everything has sunk in. Recitation enhances long-term memory.  

Ignoring Distractions  When you clear your mind about a specific goal, ignoring distractions becomes an easy thing to manage. 

Studying Smart  You can take a look at the chapter before you go to the class lecture about it. It helps you to understand the lecture well and also helps you to remember the key points faster when you study at home. 

Focusing One Thing At a Time  Focusing one lesson at a time and reading and studying all notes about one specific lesson will give you better results. 

Resting Your Mind   Resting your mind is also a way of smart study method. If you study tirelessly and don’t take time out to relax and destress, you'll probably burn out and give up early. 

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