Top 8 reasons why students got expelled from Universities

Academic Dishonesty:  

Students who cheat on exams or plagiarize their assignments are often expelled from universities. These actions violate academic integrity and undermine the values of the institution. 

Drug or Alcohol Abuse: 

Students who engage in drug or alcohol abuse may face expulsion from their university.  


Any form of physical or verbal violence towards other students or faculty members is considered a serious offense that can result in expulsion.  


Sexual, racial or any form of harassment is considered a serious violation of the university's code of conduct. 

Disruptive behavior:  

Students who engage in disruptive behavior on campus, such as vandalism, protests, or demonstrations, may face expulsion. 

Financial fraud:  

Students who engage in financial fraud or embezzlement can be expelled from their university.  

Cybersecurity violations: 

Cybersecurity breaches, including hacking, unauthorized access to university systems, or sharing confidential information can result in expulsion.  

Violation of University policies

Students who violate university policies, such as underage drinking, smoking on campus, or violating curfew rules, can be expelled. 

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