Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 

Increased use of AI and machine learning for cybersecurity  As threats become more sophisticated, AI and machine learning are likely to be increasingly used to detect and prevent them. 


Artificial Intelligence's Potential (AI)  AI, along with machine learning, has resulted in major gains in cybersecurity, with AI being applied across all market sectors. 


The New Target is Mobile  Cybersecurity trends predict a significant increase (50 percent) in mobile banking malware or assaults, making our mobile devices a target for hackers. 


More use of cloud-based security solutions  As more businesses move to the cloud, there is likely to be increased use of cloud-based security solutions to protect against threats. 


Increased emphasis on employee training and awareness  Cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link, which is often human error. 


Internet of Things (IoT)  Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to grow, and with it comes new security risks and challenges that need to be addressed. 


More focus on cyber insurance  As cyber threats become more common, businesses and individuals may turn to cyber insurance as a way to protect themselves. 


Greater emphasis on supply chain security  As supply chains become increasingly interconnected, there is a greater risk of cyber attacks targeting them. 


The growing use of blockchain for security  The use of blockchain for security is likely to grow, as it provides a tamper-resistant way of storing and verifying data. 


The emergence of new threats  As always, new threats are likely to emerge in the cybersecurity landscape and governments will need to remain vigilant in order to protect against them. 


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