Top ChatGPT Alternatives You Can't-Miss in 2024

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Microsoft Bing - Bing Chatbots offer virtual assistance within Microsoft's ecosystem. They can answer questions, provide information, and perform tasks like scheduling appointments or retrieving documents.

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Google Bard AI -  Built on Alphabet's original AI system, this program is a component of the Alphabet Corporation's entrance into AI research.

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Handheld Sign -  This tool is one of the ChatGPT alternatives and is a helpful AI chatbot that can respond to requests and inquiries.

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Writesonic -  Writesonic offers a blog and website like Chatgpt that is search engine optimized if you're seeking AI created exclusively for marketing teams.

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Handheld Sign -  Your sales and marketing teams' workloads can be completed more quickly with the aid of an AI content generator.

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OpenAI Playground -  The same AI engine that underpins ChatGPT is also utilized in OpenAI Playground, but it is more geared towards content production.

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Claude 2 -  By the business Anthropic, Claude 2 is an enhanced AI chatbot. As a result of Google's financial support, the startup is a rival of OpenAI.

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Llama 2 -  Llama 2 was introduced to the open-source community by Meta following the success of Llama.

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YouChat -  YouChat is an AI chatbot that facilitates web searching. It is a chatgpt alternative website.

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GitHub Copilot X -  The most recent GPT-4 model from OpenAI is used by GitHub Copilot, which has been trained on millions of lines of code.

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