Top 5 Billionaires Who Dropped Out Of College

Bill Gates is a billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist, but he’s most known for his role as the co-founder of Microsoft. The thoughtful and bespectacled computer programmer from Seattle, Washington, has been one of the wealthiest people in the world for decades. 

1. Bill Gate

Mark Zuckerberg is known worldwide as a co-founder and CEO of Facebook, the largest social media platform in the world. His global fame was cemented with the release of the Oscar-winning 2010 film, The Social Network.

2. Mark Zuckerberg

Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell Inc., one of the world’s largest and most successful technology and personal computer companies. Dell was interested in computers and technology from a young age, going as far as buying an Apple computer when he was 15 so he could take it apart and see how it worked. 

3. Michael Dell

Zhou Qunfei is the founder and CEO of Lens Technology, a Chinese technology company that supplies smartphone screens to technology giants like Samsung, LG, and Microsoft. Zhou had a difficult upbringing, losing her mother at an early age and seeing her father go blind. 

4. Zhou Qunfei

The co-founder and former CEO of Apple and Pixar, Steve Jobs, is known for his visionary leadership and helping to make Apple what it is today. He died on Oct. 5, 2011 of pancreatic cancer, but not before leaving his mark on the world of technology and computers, as well as the film and animation industry.

5. Steve Job

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