Top 8 Tips for Finding a Job After You Graduate 

Update Your CV/Resume -  There are so many resume formats and templates that choosing one can quickly become overwhelming. Find a format that works for you, and know that you are not tied to it.

Identify Your Reference -  Always ask before listing someone as a reference. It helps you and your reference if he or she knows to be expecting a call or email.

Ask Someone to Review Your Resume and Cover Letter -  Ask a trusted professor, mentor, or supervisor to review your CV/resume and cover letter—for different applications, if possible.

Track Your Applications -  Some industries move more quickly than others, and keeping track of when and where you applied for a job can be helpful during the search.

Tailor Your Application to the Job -  Every job is different, even within the same industry. Read over the job description, and tailor your CV/resume and cover letter accordingly.

Do Phone Interviews in Front of a Mirror -  You are more likely to smile in front of a mirror, and that smile will be noticeable in your voice. The more you smile, the more relaxed, calm, and confident you will sound.

Choose a Quiet Space for Interviews -  Virtual interviewing is the new norm. Find a quiet space with good lighting where people will not be walking in and disturbing you.

Be Patient With Yourself -  The job search and interviewing process can be long and grueling, especially depending on your industry and what is happening in the world.

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