The Top 10 Digital Skills Tech Companies are Looking for in 2023

1. CYBER SECURITY Cybersecurity serves as the first line of defence against online threats for any systems that are linked to the internet, including their hardware, software, and data.

2. CLOUD COMPUTING The use of the internet to store and access computer services such as databases, software, servers, networking, and analytics is referred to as "cloud computing."

3. BLOCKCHAIN Thousands of copies of the same digital transaction record are stored on the blockchain, a network of computers. This practise involves storing data in a way that makes system updates or hacks difficult or impossible.

4. METAVERSE A whole new world of commercial possibilities is opened up by the metaverse, including, to name a few, NFT-based products and virtual music events.

5. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE The main goal of AI experts is to create robots that are designed to think like humans. These gadgets are capable of doing tasks that require human intelligence.

6. AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Agile project management is a style of project management that emphasises teamwork among stakeholders, prompt delivery, and flexibility in the face of change.

7. DEVOPS DevOps specialists focus on creating the software and keeping track of code releases to ensure that everything functions as intended.

8. DATA SCIENCE The data science sector has several benefits to offer, including big data, data mining, machine learning, data analysis, and data analytics technologies.

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