Top 7 Job Opportunities After Computer Science Engineering 

Software Developer -  A full-stack software developer is involved in the fundamental task of creating software programs that allow users to perform desired tasks on the various peripherals they use.

Cyber security specialist -  Cybersecurity professional uses their knowledge of technology and training to protect sensitive information held by a company from risks both inside and outside its walls, such as cybercrime and illegal usage.

Game Developer -  As a game developer you design, build and create a gaming interface. You will work with designers, creators, artists, computer graphic artists, animation team members and other staff members to create a user-friendly app.

Data analyst -  A career in data analytics has attracted the attention of millions of professionals and countless communities in recent years. For a company to make wise business and technological decisions, data analysts do data mining, inspection, analysis, predictive modelling, and report generation.

Data scientist -  A data scientist is a specialist who gathers, examines, and interprets vast amounts of data. The position of a data scientist is a spin-off of several conventional technical roles, including those of scientist, statistician, computer professional, and mathematician.

System Administrator -  System administrators, usually called sysadmins, are information technology (IT) specialists that ensure a company's computer systems are operating and meeting its needs. Sysadmins assist, debug, and keep networks and servers running smoothly.

Web Developer -  Web design and development is one of the foremost exciting careers after computer science engineering. Web developers have a fascinating job to mould a visitor’s experience at a particular website with the help of page layouts, website styling, and page features.

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