Top 7 Career Options After Engineering in 2022

If you are someone who enjoys challenges posed by science and mathematics, a career in engineering may be the right choice for you.

Aerospace Engineer

An aerospace engineer is tasked with conceptualizing, designing, testing, building and maintaining an aircraft or spacecraft. 

Environmental Engineer

Effective environmental engineering is the need of the hour, it is becoming an vibrant global career in a booming field.

Civil Engineer

Civil engineers are hired by private real estate companies and government bodies involved in public works.

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers are in high demand today due to our dependence on electronic equipment and gadgets.

Structural Engineer

These engineers measure loads and presses to ensure the structural integrity of a structure. They usually use computer-aided designing tools such as AutoCAD.

Design Engineer

Design engineers have to create blueprints, prototypes for testing, and be involved in the manufacturing process of various products.

Transportation Engineer

Engineers are generally hired in the public sector, and are tasked with researching and proposing effective means of public transportation.

Engineering has always been a promising field and today it is all the more attractive because of diverse specialisations available. 

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