Top 6 best programming languages to learn in 2023

The Levels of Programming   Several programming languages have their specific purpose, with unique sets of keywords and syntaxes used to create instructions. Programming languages are classified into two categories: Low-level language, High-level language 

Low-Level Language  In low-level languages, machine instructions are represented in binary form, i.e., 0 or 1. There are two categories of low-level languages: machine-level languages and assembly-level languages. 

High-Level Language   - Programming in high-level languages allows us to write programs that are independent of the type of computer. In high-level languages, the logic of the problem is closely related to human speech, making them easy to understand, however they require a lot of attention to logic 

Procedural Programming Languages   A procedural programming language uses well-structured procedures and steps to compose a program, derived from structured programming. The program is divided into variables, statements, functions, and conditional operators. BASIC, C, Java, PASCAL, and FORTRAN are some examples of these programs. 

Functional Programming Languages   Using a functional programming language, you can compose and apply functions to build programs. Expressions and declarations are the primary features of the language. Performing calculations using conditional expressions and recursion is the foundation of functional programming. 

Object-oriented programming Language  In object-oriented programming, data is stored in fields, and code is stored in procedures. In OOP, there are many features such as abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, and classes.To ensure secure code, encapsulation is the most important principle.  

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