Top 6 Most Stunning Libraries In the World 

Did you know that public libraries can enrich the mind as well as the spirit?  Here are just six of the world’s most beautiful libraries.

Library of parliament Ottawa, Canada 

With its majestic flying buttresses, impressive vaulted ceiling, and walls lined with finely detailed carved, white pine paneling, it’s little wonder this building is a Canadian cultural and architectural icon. 

Seattle Central Library, Washington, USA 

As many visitors come to this library to admire its arresting architecture as they do to take out books.  

Abbey Library of Saint Gall, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Dating back to 719 AD, the library and abbey are listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites and nearly half of the more than 150,000 tomes date back to the Middle Ages.  

Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Four stories of books are held lovingly by extravagantly carved bookcases that are crowned by a magnificent chandelier and a dazzling blue and red stained-glass cupola.   

Stuttgart City Library, Stuttgart, Germany 

Opened in 2011, the modernist, multi-storied, airy space is connected via wide, open staircases. The books add a few splashes of color and are an eye-catching contrast to the rest of the all-white interior.  

George Peabody Library, Baltimore, USA 

If you’re addicted to your Kindle and ever wonder why the world still needs non-digital libraries and books this place is your answer.  

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